Treasurer and Membership Secretary Giulia De Togni

I am honoured to act as the new JAWS Membership Secretary and Treasurer. I would like to thank Ruth Martin as the former JAWS Membership Secretary and Treasurer for her hard work, together with former Secretary General Brigitte Steger and former Internal Auditor Fabio Gygi. I am delighted to join forces with the new Secretary General Ofra Goldstein Gidoni and the new Internal Auditor Sonja Ganseforth.
I have been a JAWS member since 2014 and in addition to my doctoral and postdoctoral work involving administrating funding resources and co-organising international events – including conferences, panels, seminars, workshops, roundtables, charity and public engagement events – I have extensive experience working with the non-profit sector including with Japanese NPOs. I will bring in this experience for my new role as JAWS Membership Secretary and Treasurer.

Please, get in touch with me ( ) if you need assistance or have any queries in relation to becoming a JAWS member. Thank you.